Sunday, December 2, 2007

FYI:: NYT: Living In | Hopewell Borough, N.J.

New York Times | Real Estate Section | Living In | Hopewell Borough, N.J.

"It’s in New Jersey, but It Screams Vermont"

Laura Pedrick for The New York Times

PAST IN THE PRESENT A view of Broad Street captures the painted-brick library, which started as a bank a century ago.

More Photos >

Published: November 18, 2007

Here's a link to the full article,

Friday, March 2, 2007

A Review of Redwall

Want an exciting book?

Read Redwall

I like this book, Redwall, because the author writes it so creatively and differently that it is not just one of those books you can put down for three weeks; you have to keep reading it until it is over. You can’t forget about it. All you think about is what is happening in the book and it keeps you absorbed in the story from the first chapter to the last.
This book stays pretty exciting throughout the story, and it gets more interesting as it goes along. The first chapter is not as exciting as the rest of the book, but as you get deeper into the story, you want to keep reading. It keeps you suspended. One example is when the enemy tries to attack Redwall. You always want to know what is next, and every time you think, ok, one more page you can’t just read one more page. You have to keep reading.
Redwall explains what happens. It is satisfying, because at the end it doesn’t just say: that’s what happened, the end, it explains everything. There are three groups: one good group is traveling; there are the good people who stay at Redwall; and there is the enemy. And the story goes from one group to the next, so you know what is happening on every side.
The characters have different parts, and the characters are animals instead of people. For example, the cook, the infirmary nurse, the abbot, the Dibbuns (baby animals) and so on are characters. The Dibbuns are, I think, the funniest creatures in the book, if it’s not the moles. When one of the baby mice fell into a well they had found, that had an eel in it, Skipper, the otter, dove down to rescue him. When the baby mouse was safe, and Skipper was fighting the eel he said, “I hope Skipper spanks his (the eel’s) bottom good ‘n’ hard!” I laughed aloud at that.
And all the animals have accents, so they are entertaining. When they have a gathering, they all have different ideas and it’s funny. Even the Dibbuns chip in and their suggestions are hilarious.
Redwall is a good book; the characters have different parts and are animals; it explains what happens, stays exciting and gets more interesting as you go along. It is not boring, and you become involved in it. I think kids ages 10+ should read this book.
By Emilia Vecchiarelli Hopewell, New Jersey January 2007

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Abraham Lincoln

On February 22, 2007 guests of Hopewell Public Library gathered to hear a presentation by the 16th President of the United States of America.
Nearly 60 children and adults were riveted to the voice, story and appearance of Nicholas Androfsky, an historian and guru of Lincoln's life. Mr. Androfsky appeared in the familiar garb of Lincoln; he is tall in stature, wore a black beard, black suit and the stove top hat we all have come to expect.
Mr. Androfsky told his story from a first person perspective making all who witnessed believe, he WAS President Lincoln. He told of his challenging childhood. He worked hard, very hard to help his family, especially his father who insisted he worked hard. At age 7, Lincoln chopped stacks of wood to supply to fire for warmth and cooking. He walked 4 miles to school and regularly walked to sell the dry goods his family had raised for money. We also heard that Lincoln's mother died of something called "milk sickness"; she drank milk from a cow that had eaten poisonous weeds! President Lincoln could have spoken about his life all afternoon and into the evening. We were all fascinated by his story.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Boys will be boys?

Back in January the Library and the Friends of the Library hosted Elizabeth Casparian from HiTops; who's mission is: to promote adolescent health and well being. Elizabeth presented a program on boys. The library was packed with interested parents, curious to find information about raising their boys in today's society.
Being that the library is small and intimate, the group was able to speak very frankly and openly about their individual concerns. The presentation became casual, like a group of friends talking about their questions and ways of dealing with certain issues of raising their boys. Elizabeth was able to answer questions and guide the discussion to keep things focused.
In the end, parents left with good advice, helpful information, and a desire to learn more.

"Always leave them wanting more!"

HiTops will be back with another timely and provocative topic.

For schedule and event listings and updates, regularly check the library's website.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Volunteerism Grows Peace

Volunteerism Grows Peace

What is a volunteer? The dictionary definitions include: “somebody who does something without being paid,” “to offer free help,” “to do charitable or helpful work without receiving pay for it.” The way I see it, a volunteer is a person who gives of his or her time and talents in a selfless way, generating good will, and even peace, in the process.
The Hopewell Public Library is fortunate to have many volunteers. To begin with, those who volunteer for the library include, but are not limited to, volunteers who work in the library each week. The many jobs they do include tasks such as working the front desk, shelving books, helping patrons with reference questions, running errands, checking library materials in and out, straightening books, covering books, gardening, hauling of trash and recycling.
Secondly, the Friends of the Hopewell Public Library are volunteers. This group of individuals works hard to acquire funds for the library. The Friends have raised funds that allow the library to increase its spending on books, audio books, music, and programming for both children and adults. They are open to fresh ideas and energized about what they do. The events they produce are exciting community affairs that grow community appreciation for Hopewell and for the library.
Thirdly, The Board of Trustees is a dedicated group of men and women appointed by the mayor and bound by oath, to govern the library. They sign on for a 5-year term and agree to meet once a month to oversee the workings of the library. Each of these individuals brings a special skill or talent which insures that the library functions as effectively as possible. They support and guide the director of the library and library staff. Beyond the monthly meetings, the trustees hold an annual book sale that generates additional funds for the library. It is an event that is greatly anticipated by throngs of bargain hunters during the Hopewell Yard Sale weekend. Long hours and back- breaking work are not deterrents for the trustees.
All of these individuals work countless hours to support
the library, an important and honorable task. In the end, I believe that these selfless volunteers not only create a better library for Hopewell Borough, but a better community and world for others, and for themselves. By doing what they do they help someone or some purpose. This must surely create a good feeling in their hearts, which can only bring them, and those around them, peace.

Jenni Spencer
Hopewell Public Library

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Intro to "HPL BLOG NOW"

Stay tuned for editorials about most recent library happenings...

1. A review of the Boys will be Boys? Workshop.
2. A commentary on Volunteerism.